Oberon Felwinter

Basic Information

Age: 326 years (appears late 30s)
Gender: Male
Race: Fae-Folk
Land of Origin: Deep within the Coerthas Western Highlands
Height: Just over 6 1/2 Fulms
Likes: His daughter, the cold, relaxed social settings, the woods.
Dislikes: Threats to his daughter, threats to his home, war.
Voice - Sleipnir Habard


A grinning, polite, and seemingly pleasant man, Oberon can be found in most cities wandering around, or taking in the sights. He sometimes will visit various fight clubs to watch others fight, occasionally participating himself.Oberon is a protector of a secluded forest deep within the Western Coerthas Highlands - a seemingly self imposed duty that he has maintained for centuries. However, he himself has now softened some due to finding a lost child who's parents had frozen to death within the woods. When facing her, he couldn't bring himself to harm her, and brought her back to his home, quickly growing attached to her as the years went by. He is now somewhat overprotective of her, and fears the day she will want to leave his home in the woods and venture beyond his protection.Oberon's Aether is heavily ice aspected - aether sensitives will sense a dense cold aether emanating from him.


Any kind of conversation - Oberon likes chatting with others if he is relaxing at a tavern.
Forest Protector - Oberon has clashed several times with Ishgardians trying to expand into his forest territory, and all of his interactions with the nobility and their knights have ended violently. Perhaps you knew someone who never came back from an expedition?Adventure - Oberon enjoys a touch of adventure here and there - he is open to helping with your troubles.Fae origin - Oberon looks like a mixture of Elezen and Viera, but something about him feels off. Not a bad kind of off, just different.Hunters - Have you been hunting where you shouldn't? There are old tales of a palace of Ice in the woods, but no one has ever seen it, supposedly. Perhaps you managed to sneak into his woods and escaped unharmed?

Equipment and fighting style

Proficient in many weapons, Oberon prefers one handed swords, occasionally using a great-sword when the situation demands it. He often weaves icy-magics into his strikes, fond of freezing his enemies and shattering the remains - or leaving them as a nice statue.

OOC Talk

I made this character to be a supporting character in other stories - I'm very open to having others insert themselves into his story, just keep the insert mainly on your character, if you want to insert something deeper then just give me a quick ping first, so I can give the yay or nay.Walk up and talk or send a tell! I am down for anything :)If you character is some kind of un-killable god, do us both a favor and don't bother trying to RP with me. I don't like godmodding - it's boring, un-fun and only makes your character come out on top while making everyone else's seem weaker. If you try anything with that I won't entertain it and will IC laugh it off and assume your character is some drunk lunatic.Let's be mature when we RP together :)Finally, drama sucks. If something happens that you do not like, message me and I'm down to chat it out. If you don't message me, I am not a mind reader and will move on with my life. I'm here to destress, like everyone else. Let's keep it fun!
